The Deleted Scenes, Thin Ink, Mind the Moss, Half Court Hoops, & What's Hot In Enterprise IT/VC
... and banana pancakes
Welcome to the fifth edition of Top of The Stack 🥞!
Every Sunday I share five indie newsletters that you probably haven’t heard of. My goal is threefold:
make it easy for you to discover awesome indie newsletters.
help authors grow their audiences.
share pancake pics.
If you discover a newsletter here, I hope you’ll subscribe and follow the author on Twitter! If you have a newsletter (or a pancake pic) to share, @me on Twitter! @samdebrule

1. The Deleted Scenes
Technology • 5 emails/week • Hundreds of subscribers
I write daily about urbanism, land use, suburbs, small towns, and the built environment in general. I’m not a planner or engineer; I think a lot about how ordinary people perceive and react to urban design, and I explore places as a layman, but with a keen focus on detail. I also sprinkle in posts here on food and cooking, old technology, stores and retail, and commercial history.
Follow the author on Twitter: @ad_mastro
2. Thin Ink
Climate Change • 1 email/week • Hundreds of subscribers
The way we currently produce and consume food is not sustainable. It is environmentally destructive, inequitable and frankly, what we eat is killing us. And this is not a problem limited to a single country, region or group of people within a certain socio-economic strata. It is happening in rich and poor countries in all geographic regions of the world.
But this isn’t a newsletter about doom and gloom. I plan to highlight both problems and solutions and I want this to be as accessible to anyone who is interested in food and not just nerds like myself.
Follow the author on Twitter: @thinink
3. Mind the Moss
Hiking • 1 email/week • Hundreds of subscribers
Mind the Moss is a free weekly newsletter about strange yet beautiful hikes in New England’s wild lands, cities, and the places in between. It’s a guide for unconventional hiking—an irreverent primer on how to go for a ramble beyond the usual hiking venues.
Follow the author on Twitter: @milesperhoward
4. Half Court Coops - Coach’s Cut
Sports • 1 email/week • Thousands of subscribers
My whole goal as a coach is to help grow the game of basketball through learning first and teaching second. I study everything I can about the NBA, NCAA & International X’s & O’s to try and find the WHY behind the results. In these extended film room sessions, my aim is to help you learn with me as we both grow together.
Follow the author on Twitter: @HalfCourtHoops
5. What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC
Technology • 1 email/week • Thousands of subscribers
If you are an enterprise founder, VC, technologist, or Fortune 500 CIO/CTO, this is for you. I’ve been a first check investor for over 25 years investing in next generation enterprise technology entrepreneurs and category creators like Snyk, BigID, Kustomer, Superhuman, Blockdaemon, Replicated, Front and Security Scorecard. I’m sharing the most interesting stories and tweets I’ve read during the week related to all things Enterprise IT. You’ll also get my commentary along with tips and thoughts on scaling startups, raising capital, and deeper technology trends
Follow the author on Twitter: @edsim